Someday someday
i'll come runnin'
runnin' to your side
Someday someday
i'll come runnin'
runnin' to your side

            I'll come and fly
            but i can't come
            in these earthly
            I'll come and fly
            but i can't come
            in these earthly

Someday someday
i'll come lookin'
look into your eyes
Someday someday
i'll come lookin'
look into your eyes


Someday someday
i'll see the holes
the holes left
in your hands
someday someday
i'll see the hole
the hole left
in your side


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Writer's Notes

Music by Gaining Ground

Words by Mike Roa and P.J. Neiger

Shoes is a simple song, not many chords, not a big variety of words either but we love to rock it out.  The picture of the song always ends in the fact that we will see God and see His face.  As we come into this world so we leave, we won't have earthly things such as fast cars, nice guitars, Warwick basses, even a really cool drum kit.  Only our soul lives on and someday we will run on into eternity but only Jesus is the only one you can take.  So contrary to popular opinion the one with most toys doesn't win.  Unless it's guitars.... 

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